Wednesday, July 27, 2016

7/17/16 to 7/23/16: Summer Running Part 6

Did you, dear reader, stumble upon my running (b)log to find some nuggets of wisdom about training in the heat and humidity?  Are you looking for tricks to make you feel cooler?  or an uplifting anecdote or two?  Well there is no wisdom here, and no tricks that I'm aware of.  All I know is that friggin A it is hot out.  Here's a little anecdote morning when it was really hot out I went for a run.  I ran slow, my breathing was labored, and I was a sweaty mess.  Then, in the afternoon, I did the same thing.  Then again the following morning...then again in the afternoon...the morning...the afternoon...

What a story!!!  Well, that is me as of late.  A slow sweaty mess.  Here is the stuff:

17-Jul Long Run 2:24:27 18.11 AM: Battle Road!  18+ at 7:50ish.  Good crew, and kept it conversational due to the warmer weather.  Very nice having company.
Off 0:26:43 3.01 PM: Easy shakeout with Raleigh.   Also did drills and barefoot strides.
18-Jul Easy 0:57:10 7.06 AM: I am tired.  7+ at 8+.
Moderate 0:59:46 7.34 PM: I remain tired. 7+ at 8+.
19-Jul Easy 0:59:06 7.23 AM: 7+ at 8+.
Tempo & Ultimate 1:12:30 10.61 PM: 10+ averaging 6:50.  Pretty much a 5+5 tempo.  Then ultimate.  Left hamstring was really funky.
20-Jul Easy 0:40:32 5.06 AM: Early morning meeting for work meant short mileage.
Easy 1:03:40 8.28 PM: 8+ at 7:41/mile.
21-Jul Easy 0:50:18 6.16 AM: 6+ at 8:10/mile.
Easy & Ultimate 0:47:06 6.02 PM: 6+ at 7:49/mile.
22-Jul Easy 0:41:42 5.24 AM: 5+ at 7:57/mile.
Friday Night Lights 10k 1:18:00 10.55 PM: FNL10k.  Holy hell what a sufferfest.  36:09 and it was pain train the whole time.
23-Jul Workout 0:44:40 6 AM:  Did Fresh Pond at basically 6min miles for the 1-lapper.  Just because.
Easy 0:00:00 0 PM: Brother Mike's party, then drive to the Cape.

No splits, but I did play two games of ultimate.  Doesn't count towards the mileage, but I've been feeling quicker.

Total: 100.67

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