Wednesday, April 6, 2016

3/27/16 to 4/1/16: Kind of a Crap Week

This week started off somewhat promising.  Neil came by early on Sunday, and we did an easy 4m warm up around the Charles, then started a 2x6m workout around Fresh Pond.  We specifically didn't have any "hit this pace" type of attitude, and were letting the pace come to us.  To our surprise, the first mile was 6:0x, and we held that for no other reason than, "we started at that pace, so lets stick to it."  Very technical stuff.  I felt fine for the first 6m segment, and took a 1/3 of a Gu to start the second.  I was feeling ok for the first two miles, before I started counting down the remaining miles.  After finishing the third mile,  I felt pretty tired and tried to zone out and let the miles pass.  Elizabeth went out a little later than us with Raleigh, and we passed her as she was going in the opposite direction while we had a mil+ to go.  That took my mind off the task at hand as my oxygen deprived brain struggled to recall how we would meet up after the run.  When we finally finished, I was surprised at how quickly it went by, and with a very slow cool down we ended up with 20+ at a 6:45 pace.  I was very pleased to see the overall volume and pace, but I was cooked.  Neil came back to our place for some coffee, fresh fruit, and a quickly made smoothie (blueberries, bananas, flax seed, whey, strawberries).  Coffee always tastes amazing after a hard long run.

While Sunday went well enough, Monday deserves a quick summary as well...I felt unbelievably tired in the morning, and contemplated doing my shorter commute, but stuck it out for the full seven.  Throughout the day, I was extremely busy as I'm basically absorbing another full time position.  I started the run home in a cold rain, and was already worn out and exhausted.  Three miles in and I was hurting, and by the fourth mile, I had to stop to have what little was left of the Gu I keep in my backpack.  I was staring out on the Charles as traffic passed and the rain poured down, and I had what seems to be a normal feeling when this happens to me, "I out to sit down on this log and watch the river for a while, that'd be nice..."  The mind certainly is strange.  Taking a brake in a cold driving rain two miles from home would've been a bad idea.

The rest of the week I remained fairly worn out and weary.  Nothing quite as bad as bonking four miles into a run, but a tired week nonetheless.  Good thing taper time is quickly approaching.

27-Mar Long Run 2:15:37 20.1 AM: 20+ total at 6:45/mile.  2x6m at roughly 6:05/mile
Off 0:00:00 0 PM: Rest
28-Mar Easy 0:54:52 7.1 AM: I remain quite tired.
Moderate 0:48:55 6.26 PM: Bonked on my way home.  Two miles from home in the cold and rain.  Fun.
29-Mar Easy 0:54:59 7.1 AM: Surprised I did the full seven.  Wasn't in the mood.
Workout 1:47:56 13.5 PM: Ran home and to Harvard.  Very windy, and thought about just drills and strides, but the wind was actually beneficial.  I ran 100% on feel and didn't care about splits.  Finished with a sub 30s 200 too.  I'll take it!
30-Mar Easy 0:55:06 7.1 AM: Tired still, and feeling beat up.
Easy 0:58:51 7.5 PM: 7+ at about 7:50.  Still worn down.
31-Mar Easy 0:49:01 6.2 AM: 6+ at about 8per.  Meh.
Workout 1:45:10 14.18 PM: Commute home then ~7m tempo with Terry.  Legs felt really cooked, but lungs felt good.
1-Apr Easy 0:42:57 5.24 AM: 5+ slow and relaxed.
Easy 0:43:00 5.33 PM: 5+ slow and relaxed.
2-Apr Workout 0:28:06 4.1 AM: Fresh Pond for a portion just to get it over with.  Should've done easy miles.
Easy 0:00:00 0 Off


Total: 103.71

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