Wednesday, June 17, 2015

6/7/15 to 6/13/15: I love the 80's

The mileage is back in the 80+ range, albeit on the low end.  But I'm not complaining!  It's good to be able to run pain free and commute to and from work, now the next step is getting some speed back.  Most of these runs felt heavy legged, but part of that can be attributed to the warm weather.  Still, I could tell there are still some cobwebs that need to be cleaned out.

On Thursday I skipped the Hollis 5k.  A wise choice since downhills had bothered my Achilles the most when attempting to return, and that is an all downhill course.  Added bonus is that I don't have a crazy outlier of a PR.  Then on Saturday I ended up with an impromptu day off after a timing mix up on travel plans.  I was miffed at first, but during the drive back I gave it some more thought and reluctantly decided that it was for the best.  I'm am too easily addicted to streaks, and killing this 20-something day streak now will hopefully make it easier to back off later on if necessary.

The stuff!:

7-Jun Battle Road 0:07:43 15.17 Battle Road - easy 1m on my own, the rest with the group.  Felt pretty good.
8-Jun Easy/Easy 12.12 AM: 4m in 7:35min.
9-Jun Easy/Intervals 19.64 AM: 4m commute at 8min.
PM: 7m warm up, 800/400/600/800/1200/800/300. Rain/lightening shortened intervals.  Started out ok, then slowed down due to heavy legs.  Very warm out. Saw double rainbow on run home and then a huge family of geese cross Mem Drive.
10-Jun Easy/Easy 12.47 AM: 4m commute at 8min.
PM: Commute home + Raleigh + jog to Chipotle, no time.
11-Jun Easy/Fartlek+Strides 11.17 AM: 4m commute at 8min.
PM: 1m w/up and 5m farlek followed by 10 Poplar strides.  Hot out, felt sluggish.  Strides in old racing flats felt great.
12-Jun Easy/Easy 10.11 AM: 4m commute at 7:50 per.
PM: 6m commute at 7:30 per.
13-Jun Fresh Pond 0 Had to leave earlier than originally thought to get to Truro, and I decided on the drive home that I need to accept days off here and there without all the fuss.  Still…I was fussy.


Total: 80.68

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you back. I had about a month of Achilles related downtime myself at the start of the year. I know how good it feels to get back on the roads after that ridiculous injury.
