Monday, May 18, 2015

5/10/15 to 5/16/15: Achilles Injury Remains Stubborn

I don't like that I can look at my training log and see the exact workout where I likely would have been fine if only I had backed off.  I had been operating in dangerous territory anyways, but if only I backed off on that one tempo run...

In the grand scheme of things though, this is a typical overuse injury.  Starting with the Soup Run, I had 14 hard efforts (14 out of 36 days), with 4 of those being race efforts (including Boston).  This is an injury of my own making.  The typical overuse injury...

10-May Easy (No LR) 0:07:48 4.36 Battle Road - achilles just not quite there yet.  Started LIPUS treatment.
11-May Rest/Easy 6.05 AM: Rest & LIPUS
PM: 6+ commute…felt some pinching, but overall reasonable.
12-May Bike/Bike 0 AM: ~4m of biking.  Could tell the Achilles was meh.  Had a meeting downtown and walking 2+ miles in work shoes.  Achilles was on fire all afternoon.
PM: ~6m of biking then Ultimate.  Played a decent amount and only felt the Achilles for a stretch of 5 minutes or so.  Went to the sidelines to walk around and add a little tape then felt fine.
13-May Bike/Bike 0 AM: ~5m biking, mostly on a flat tire, so it was actually a good workout.
PM: ~5m biking then 45 minutes worth of a hodgepodge of stuff - planks/shoulders/back/squats/lunges/biceps.
14-May Bike/Bike 0 AM: ~5m biking.
PM: ~5m biking.
15-May Bike/Bike 0 AM: ~5m biking.
PM: ~5m biking.
16-May Fresh Pond 2.5 Started the Fresh Pond race basically just trying to be comfortable.  Stopped at 1.5 (well in the lead too!!!)…what a friggin bummer.

Total: 12.91

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