Tuesday, April 1, 2014

3/23 to 3/29: Miami Miles

The CatJon wedding in Miami was a lot of fun. However, it's placement on the calendar made for a challenging week of training. I really didn't have any true long run - waking up early after a night of shaking my hips wasn't going to happen on Sunday.

So I made due with a quicker 10 miler right after dropping my bags off followed by a 14 miler the next day, hoping the cumulative fatigue would be enough of a LR simulation. Frankly, since 11 of those 14 miles were on the treadmill - I think that I was able to make due.

23-Mar Miami 0:08:27 8.12 Another travel day, but able to get in a run to look for a camera battery in the AM.
24-Mar Miami 0:07:40 9.01 First five with Eli, then I did 4 more trying to hold a quicker pace, but I felt flat. Not fast.
25-Mar Miami/Tempo 0:06:52 10.01 Back in Cambridge. Threw the luggage on the bed and hit the road. Didn't feel easy to run this pace.
26-Mar MLR Recovery 0:07:42 14.11 A mix of road and treadmill. Not interested in the cold or 35+mph wind. Eff that.
27-Mar Intervals 0:07:39 17.96 AM: 4m to work at 7:39/mile
PM: 1000x3/600x3 with plenty of warmup miles
28-Mar Recovery 0:07:34 6.04 It is what it is, man.
29-Mar Easy 0:07:35 5.58 Just some miles, that's it. Gotta keep it fresh.
Actually, I think the 9/10/14 progression with plenty of quicker miles made up for the lack of a true long run. All of that followed by a pretty tough interval workout. Not a bad week.


I was pretty happy with that last 600. I wanted to practice a hard kick, so I stayed with the group for the first 400, then just tried to hold a hard pace. I'm guessing the final 200 was around 32 seconds. Not bad.

Total: 70.83

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