Thursday, March 16, 2017

3/5/17 to 3/11/17: Big Week

Even without the standard marathon long run of 20+ miles - this was a pretty big week.

Elizabeth and I had a great visit with the DC Bugbees, and on Sunday we drove 7 hours back home.  After unpacking, I went out for 8-10, but ended up seeing Elizabeth in the car heading towards Trader Joe's so I kept doing a neighborhood 1 mile loop until I saw her back home.  I was happy to get to 16+, but after the long drive it certainly felt 'meh.'

During the drive back, I had made the decision that based on the layout of the week and the unlikely 20 miler, I would place a "special block" on the schedule for Monday.  We had a re-scheduled BU workout for Monday that worked in my favor as well.  So Monday morning, I did my standard routine, but instead of easing into the run at 8+ minute miles, I went at a tempo effort right away.  I would've preferred to be around 6:15/mile, but based on the cold/no warmup/backpack, it turned out that 6:30 was the pace.  I suppose I was fine with that.  An emergency pit stop disrupted my rhythm just a bit, otherwise it actually felt comfortable.

Throughout the day, I contemplated what to do for the evening session.  Since the track workout wouldn't start until around 6:45, I had to figure out the best way to time everything.  I ended up simply leaving work a little later, and stopping at home as my break in between 2 x 5k.  After a 1.5 mile warm up, I got into it at 6:25/mile.  Again, this seemed slow, but with a backpack on things were bound to be a bit unpredictable.  After letting Raleigh out, I got back on the road to head to the track.  After an uneventful and seemingly easy 2nd 5k (which was quite a surprise), I quickly changed and got on the track where I had planned 10 x 1k at roughly half marathon pace.  Essentially, I wanted everything to be between 3:30 and 3:35 per k.  I ended up doing exactly what I had hoped, but never felt like I had the pace dialed in.  My left knee also felt tight towards the middle of the workout, but was essentially fine after the first lap of each rep.  In the end, I was certainly tired, but this didn't leave me nearly as ragged as my 2015 version.

After two easier days, I had one more big day for the week.  It was much less quality, but still big volume with the total miles for the day at 26.25 and 5.6k of speed.

It was a great week for volume and quality, but I'm uneasy with how it ended.  I have a lot of aches and pains, though nothing seems to be serious.  With New Bedford on the 19th, I'll be dialing it back anyways, so perhaps (and hopefully) next week being a down week will cure those ills.

5-Mar Off (Long Drive) 0:00:00 0 AM: Long drive.
Long Run 2:02:04 16.1 PM: 16+ at 7:35/mile.  Meh.
6-Mar Special Block Part 1 1:05:21 10.01 AM: 10m tempo at 90% MP in cold and windy weather with the backpack.  Averaged 6:30/mile.  One emergency pit stop.
Special Block Part 2 / BU Track 1:59:49 16.7 PM: 1.5m warm up, 2 x 5k at 6:25/mile (just under 90% MP), 1000x10 at HM pace.  Pacing felt good, but left knee was pretty achy the whole time.
7-Mar Easy 0:57:12 7 AM: 7m at 8:10/mile.  Surprised it was even that quick.  Very tired, and zero pop.  Not crazy sore though, which is probably coming tomorrow.
Easy 1:02:42 7.58 PM: 7+ at 8:16/mile.  Another easy recovery run.  Felt better than the AM, but still achy.
8-Mar Easy 1:03:29 8.08 AM: 8+ at 7:52/mile.  Right foot really hurt, due to tight shoelaces I think, and left ankle kind of bunkish.  By the end of the run, both felt fine and I was finishing a bit quicker.
Easy 1:03:54 8.11 PM: 8+ at 7:53/mile.  Was thinking longer, but my feet were feeling beat up still.
9-Mar Easy to Moderate 1:18:15 10.05 AM: 10m at 7:47/mile.  More of a moderate than easy thanks to the wind.
BU Track 2:09:16 16.2 PM: 8+ to track.  800/(1200/600/400/200)x2.  Pacing was off, but this was another big volume day.  I can live with it being slower.
10-Mar Easy 1:05:56 8.06 AM: 8+ at 8:11/mile.  Meh.
Easy 0:50:45 6.29 PM: 6+ at about 8min miles.  Worn out.
11-Mar Moderate 0:47:36 6.33 AM: Fresh Pond one lapper, then the streets for extra miles.  Very windy and left ankle foot was very uncomfortable.
Off 0:00:00 0 PM: Off.

Monday Splits:

Thursday Splits:

Total: 120.51

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