Wednesday, April 4, 2018

3/19/18 to 4/1/18: Almost there...

Nearing taper time, and it's going to be a hectic final two weeks.  As my mileage is winding down, the amount of work is going up!  I suppose that'll help force the taper as I'm simply not going to have the time.  Anyways...

This two week stretch was actually a very big challenge.  Recovery from New Bedford went well, with my first workout probably coming a bit too soon.  After that, however, I had my standard Saturday tempo and then followed that up with a thoroughly exhausting soup run.  Oddly enough, I had absolutely nothing planned for that weekend, but it ended up being a crusher.  For the Soup Run, I started off relatively easy with Neil and Danny with a 2m warm up.  Danny had 20m @MP on his schedule and so Neil and accompanied him for seven miles at around 6:20/mile then (for some reason!) I joined Neil for his workout of 3x15min at MP w/5min "rest."  The 15 minute segments averaged around 6:05/mile, and the "rest" was at 6:46/mile and 7:15/mile.  Overall it was a 20.5 mile run averaging 6:30/mile.  I was cooked!

The week that followed was hectic and uneventful, and essentially the semi-start of the taper.  I still ran 105 miles for that week, but they seemed uneventful.  The Frank Nealon 15k in Upton was a perfect effort on the perfect course though.  I don't think I've been on rolling terrain quite enough this build up, and this course hit the sweet spot there.  My legs weren't totally cooked, but I could feel that my slightly-harder-than-marathon-effort had the intended effect.

So...I'm almost there...

Image result for almost there star wars gif

check it out, check it out:

19-Mar MLR Easy 1:14:20 10 AM: 10m commute at 7:26/mile.  Some GI issues.  Not sure why, felt ok other than that.
Easy 1:02:02 8.15 PM: 8+ at 7:37/mile.  Felt alright.
20-Mar Easy 1:00:33 8.07 AM: 8+ at 7:30/mile.
Harvard Track 1:54:54 15 PM: Commute home and to Harvard.  2m x 2/200x2.  Pretty tough actually.
21-Mar Easy 1:03:46 8.18 AM: Not that easy actually, really wiped. 8+ at 7:48/mile.
Easy 0:48:51 6.33 PM: 6+ at 7:43/mile.
22-Mar Easy 0:52:53 8.15 AM: 8+ at 7:38/mile.  Meh.
Easyish 0:52:53 7.00 PM: 7m at 7:33/mile.  Skewed slower as I added on with Raleigh.
23-Mar Easyish 1:00:29 8.17 AM: 8+ at 7:24/mile.  Not that easy, not that hard.  Lower legs seem to feel a little bitter if I go quicker than 7:30ish.
Easy 0:38:13 5.25 PM: Slightly quicker 5m commute at 7:17/mile.
24-Mar Tempo 1:15:32 12.03 AM: 10m tempo at around 6:0x pace.  I could've gone the extra, but felt a little twingy in my left hamstring and right Achilles.
Off 0:00:00 0 PM: Off.
25-Mar Soup Run 2:14:00 20.5 AM: CSU Soup Run!  2m warm up, 7m at 95% MP, then 3 x 15min at MP w/5min quicker recovery.  I never felt good, but managed to get through it.
Off 0:00:00 0 PM: Got in a nap, I think.  Unfortunately, I woke up to both hamstrings cramping up!
26-Mar Easy 1:03:31 8.35 AM: 8+ commute at 7:36/mile.  Felt alright actually.
Easy 0:50:10 6.32 PM: 6m commute at 7:56/mile.
27-Mar Easy 1:02:40 8.22 AM: 8+ at 7:37/mile.
Skipped Track 0:48:47 6.3 PM: 6+ at 7:45/mile.  Came home to Raleigh having had a rough afternoon so I missed track.
28-Mar MLR wHills 1:06:53 10.04 AM: 10+ a bit quicker with the 4-hill route added in.  Averaged 6:40/mile.
Easy 0:59:18 7.61 PM: 7+ at 7:48/mile.
29-Mar Easy 1:04:37 8.15 AM: 8+ at 7:56/mile.
Easyish 0:47:36 6.35 PM: 6+ at 7:30/mile.  Felt harder than it should have.
30-Mar Easy 1:02:57 8.12 AM: 8+ at 7:45/mile.
Easy 0:39:11 5.22 PM: Very easy 5m home at 7:30/mile.
31-Mar Frank Nealon 15k GP 0:55:16 9.35 AM: Ran as a workout and averaged something like 5:55/mile on a very rolling course.  Great prep.
Warm up and Cool Down 0:56:59 6.86 AM:  Total of just under 7m between warm up and cool down at whatever.
1-Apr MLR w/Hills + Eli 1:53:27 14.15 AM: 14+ with the first 4m doing an Appleton & Sparks repeat before Me and Eli took Raleigh around Fresh Pond, then went exploring to get Eli to 10 total for the day.  A fun exploratory run.
Off 0:00:00 0 PM: Got in a nap!

3/20 Splits:

Totals: 116.83 & 105.04

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