The Pub Series returns!!
Elizabeth and I took a ~5 hour break from our vacation to drive the two hours over to Pawtucket to race the Irish Music Festival 5k.
The race started off fine, with a twisting and turning downhill that had me just a bit behind ChrisK, TJ, and Shawn Wallace. After hitting the mile in 5:17, I was feeling fine, but stuck in a bit of no man's land with the main pack pulling away, and a younger kid just ahead of me.
Mile two sucked. I'm not sure if it was 180 turn, the headwind or what, but the gap between me and the younger runner started to grow and I slowed to a 5:26/mile, which feels like a mental lapse. I was at least able to keep him within shouting distance, but I should have been running shoulder to shoulder and I'm disappointed that I wasn't.
The third mile was much better as my legs felt really good. The gap remained, but I felt like I was moving really well with a long easy stride, which isn't always there. The gap however, had grown to about 7 seconds, and so I was using that energy to maintain some type of contact.
I clicked off a 5:12 third mile, but the final section of the race I really had to work to make it even a little bit interesting. I heard the young runners coach shout something about the gap, and I could see him start making his ascent on the final two-tiered hill. He was working, but didn't seem to have that low gear and his coach was urging him on to dig dig dig. I'm sure my form wasn't as focused as it is for the Thursday night repeats that Terry's been keeping on the calendar - but I felt the lift and the power. What had been a seven second gap was clearly diminishing and I knew that if he could get his stride back then I had no chance - but if he remained tied up after cresting the hill I'd have a chance...and I did have a chance. However, as I was quickly closing the gap, the announcer got excited and said, "and here we have another finisher and..and..oh no! here he comes!" HAHA! Thanks a lot! The young runner put his head down for a final acceleration and was able to just hold me off at the line. BOGUS! I'm still happy with that final push. Final time of 16:36 and good for 6th place.
Based on the final results of the race, the Pub Series is looking extremely interesting heading into the Paddy's 3m.
Pub Series Article
Pub Series Standings (Men)
Pub Series Standings (Women)
Elizabeth is in 7th place, with a chance to move into 6th, and a longshot chance to move into 5th depending on the depth of the competition and how she fares at Paddy's.
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