Even though I maintained high mileage coming into the Lone Gull 10k, I arrived in Gloucester with high expectations. I had taken the previous four days easy, with only one very moderate workout (a 2 mile tempo with Terry to get the legs primed).
With Raleigh in the back, Elizabeth and I made our way to Good Harbor Beach. As has been the case in years past, there was a backup entering the parking lot - so I hopped out to jog in and get my long warm up started. After grabbing my number, I bumped into Kevin, Terry, Tom & Kristi and we well all did a nice ~2m warm up together before going our separate ways.
Lining up, I didn't feel especially good or bad. I would've preferred a longer warm up, but the tight calves and plantar issue weren't even remote concerns. So, with the weather seemingly perfect, my pre-race goals remained in tact. When the gun went off, I had to shuffle slowly across the timing mat and squeeze in tight to make sure my chip was registered, then I darted out of the crowd into some open space. Normally, I'm fairly conscious of running tangents, but it was extra crowded and I had a few spots where I was close to being tripped up - so I took whatever real estate was given to me. About three quarters of a mile in, the crowded field begun to string out and I found myself searching for and finding a good rhythm. I passed the mile marker in about 5:23, and felt comfortable (note, this is my garmin split, which was off from the mile markers by varying distances).
I was a short distance back from a pack of ten or so runners, and during the start of the second mile I closed the gap and, knowing that winds would be a concern, hoped this group would stick together. Unfortunately, I could feel the pace slow as we hit the first of many mild inclines. I noticed everyone laboring on the uphill, and I squeezed to the left of the road and moved from the back of the pack to the front. I thought maybe I would drag the group with me, but once I got the pace back down it ended up dropping everyone in that group. The result of the semi-slow-down was a 5:32 second mile.
The third mile is a gentle downhill and I was still feeling comfortable. I didn't have anyone to run with, so I started aiming for people. I think this is the point in the race where my strength from a long summer of base building started to come through. Feeling good, I knew that if I surged here and there, I would be able to recover and be in a good spot. I clicked off a 5:19 third mile and 5:29 fourth mile before entering the final stretch along the shore.
Entering that final stretch of pavement along the shoreline, the head winds were tough, but expected. I continued to pass runners here and there, and expected that to continue for the remainder of the race, until I heard footsteps getting a little closer. I had passed the lead woman, and knowing there was a $300 bonus to any women breaking 34 minutes, I expected to see her hanging on my heals. Instead it was a runner that must have similarly been working his way up the field. We passed a few runners together and he remained on my heals.
I was actually pleased to see him there, as I had worked through a rough patch during the fourth mile, and this shook me out of it. I had good turnover and was maintaining pace, and he stuck to my shoulder and continued drafting. I passed the fifth mile in 5:26 and continued to cruise. There was a fairly long stretch of a gradual incline that I really started to work, and tried to drop the guy, but he again he stayed right on my shoulder. Nearing the base of the final incline before the finish, I thought to myself that this guy had gotten the benefit of drafting off of me for the last two miles, and I wasn't inclined to lose to him on the final straight. I could hear his breathing and knew he wasn't in cruise control, but I moved to the side and slowed slightly letting him move ahead of me. The tiny slow down allowed me to check his form, and I also felt like it allowed me to recover quite a bit (moreso than expected). I moved up beside him as we crested the short steep hill, and opened it up slightly on the downhill. There was still a bit of real estate left and I didn't want to kick too soon, so I tightened the screws only just a little bit. There was a WMDP running who had seemed slightly out of reach, but the gap was quickly closing, and when I finally started my kick neither runner had much of a response.
I ended up crossing the line in 58th place in 34:09, which is both my highest placing in a Grand Prix race and a big PR. I have a better time in me, but I'm pleased with the effort and the result.
Scott Mason Photos
Ted Tyler Photos
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Monday, September 26, 2016
9/18/16 to 9/24/16: Entering the Fall Season
This was certainly an interesting week. I forgot that Elizabeth and I had done the long run on the trails...that feels like it was weeks ago. The weather was warm and incredibly humid, and oh how quickly that has changed (thankfully!). We're now entering prime-time running weather.
After successfully handling the 10m commute last week, I decided to give it a shot early on this week as well. With the Lone Gull 10k on the 25th, I wanted to front load this week with mileage. Both runs on Monday went well enough, but I'm developing a minor case of plantar fasciatis that needs to be monitored.
Tuesday's workout went alright, but the splits were pretty whacky due to another humid evening. And temps were in the 80s as well, which was a bit of a surprise. Thursday was an "easy" tempo with Terry at Fresh Pond. Short enough to recover easily, and quick enough to get reasonable turnover and get the legs feeling comfortable.
Good Stuff:
After successfully handling the 10m commute last week, I decided to give it a shot early on this week as well. With the Lone Gull 10k on the 25th, I wanted to front load this week with mileage. Both runs on Monday went well enough, but I'm developing a minor case of plantar fasciatis that needs to be monitored.
Tuesday's workout went alright, but the splits were pretty whacky due to another humid evening. And temps were in the 80s as well, which was a bit of a surprise. Thursday was an "easy" tempo with Terry at Fresh Pond. Short enough to recover easily, and quick enough to get reasonable turnover and get the legs feeling comfortable.
Good Stuff:
18-Sep | Long Run | 2:16:56 | 16.23 | AM: 16+ with the middle miles on some really awesome trails with Eli and Raleigh. | ||||
Off | 0:00:00 | 0 | PM: Drive home. | |||||
19-Sep | Easy | 1:17:48 | 10.08 | AM: 10+ at 7:43/mile. | ||||
Moderate | 1:16:48 | 10.22 | PM: 10+ at 7:31/mile. Right foot was really tender at the start. | |||||
20-Sep | Easy | 1:11:49 | 9.06 | AM: 9m commute at 7:56. Thought it was quicker though. | ||||
Harvard Track | 1:53:47 | 14.26 | PM: Commute home and to track. (1000/800)x3, 200x2. 1k at 8k pace, 800 at 5k pace, and 200s at mile pace. 1min rest between the 1k and 800, 2min between sets and the 200s. Averaged 3:25 for the 1k, 2:39 for the 800s, and 34 and 30 for the 200s. | |||||
21-Sep | Easy | 0:48:52 | 6.04 | AM: 6m commute thanks to a wonderfully effective and productive meeting…Really slow going though. I was cooked after last night's workout in the humid conditions. | ||||
Easy | 1:06:55 | 8.03 | PM: 8+, some with Raleigh. Did drills and 4 barefoot strides. Very gentle strides though as my right foot remains sore | |||||
22-Sep | Easy | 1:05:52 | 8.05 | AM: A bit slower on this morning's 8m commute. | ||||
Tempo/Hills | 1:14:11 | 9.63 | PM: Commute home, then a fairly easy 2m tempo with Terry to get the legs opened up a smidge. | |||||
23-Sep | Easy | 0:42:13 | 5.19 | AM: Shorter commute at about 8min per. | ||||
Easy | 0:39:58 | 5 | PM: 5m commute at 8/mile. Again, shortened the commute to take it easy for Lone Gull. | |||||
24-Sep | Workout | 0:32:16 | 4.19 | AM: 4+ at 7:42/mile. A few pickups to just get the legs turning over. | ||||
Easy | 0 | PM: Off |
Tuesday Splits:
Total: 105.98
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
9/4/16 to 9/17/16: Down Week & Up Week
The week of 9/4 to 9/10 felt pretty jam packed. It started off with the Finish With a Guinness in Rhode Island and finished on Shelter Island NY for a friend's wedding. Sandwiched in between was a good bit of driving and a mini-vacation. It was the first week in quite some time that I only ran singles, so the mileage took a significant dip. However, I still squeezed in a long run, a hill workout, and some good moderate runs throughout. So while I'm a little annoyed looking at the mileage total, it was still a solid week.
9/13 Splits:
The week of 9/11 to 9/17 was interesting. I didn't have an opportunity for a long run on the 11th, and was only able to squeeze in a 6 miler while still on Long Island. So, I expected it to be difficult to get back into the swing of high mileage. However, with work hours shifting from an 8:30am start time back to the normal 9am start time, I decided to keep my alarm as is and just squeeze in whatever for extra mileage. That turned what had been my normal ~7m morning commute into a 10 miler. I'm not sure if that'll be sustainable in the short term, but I was able to handle it for Monday through Thursday, and it can perhaps be done in the future - for now, I think it would be a bit of a risky jump in overall mileage. By the end of the week, I realized I had an easy opportunity for a new high mileage week, but I took the cautious route and had an easy day to cap off the week.
Here's all the stuff:
4-Sep | Finish With a Guinness 5k *Pub | 1:06:00 | 8.87 | AM: First time ever going off course on a race. Realized it in slow motion, but doubled back and came in 11th overall. Not bad, I guess. | ||||
Off | 0:00:00 | 0 | PM: Off. Beach again after the long drive back. | |||||
5-Sep | Off | 0:00:00 | 0 | AM: Lazy morning. | ||||
Moderate | 1:56:18 | 15.18 | PM: Afternoon long run, with a quick first 5, then a hilly trail run with Eli and Raleigh followed by another quick 5+. 15+ total. | |||||
6-Sep | Hill Repeats | 0:54:37 | 7.29 | AM: 7+ at 7:30/mile. Getting it in a bit quick to ensure vacationing fun continues. Good hills on this run too. | ||||
Vacation | 0:00:00 | 0 | PM: Vacationing fun continues! | |||||
7-Sep | Easy | 1:08:12 | 8.26 | AM: 8+ at 8:15/mile. Did 10 repeats on Hart Road. Man, that is one brutal hill. | ||||
Vacation | 0:00:00 | 0 | PM: Vacation fun BRO. | |||||
8-Sep | Easy | 0:54:23 | 7.05 | AM: 7+ at 7:43/mile. Middle 5 were a moderate effort on the hilly roads, not fast, but good effort. | ||||
Vacation | 0:00:00 | 0 | PM: Off. | |||||
9-Sep | Drive | 0:00:00 | 0 | AM: Off, early AM driving. | ||||
Moderate | 0:37:09 | 5.1 | PM: 5+ at 7:15/mile. Just trying to squeeze in a run before the rehearsal dinner. | |||||
10-Sep | Easy | 1:05:35 | 8.74 | AM: 8+ at 7:30/mile followed by a soak in the ocean. | ||||
Savage/Hunt Wedding | 0:00:00 | 0 | PM: Wedding fun! | |||||
11-Sep | Moderate | 0:43:11 | 6.03 | AM: Relatively quick 6m before the post-wedding brunch. Averaged 7:10/mile in some pretty hot/sunny/sticky weather. | ||||
Off | 0:00:00 | 0 | PM: Long ferry ride and drive home meant I couldn't sneak in an evening 10 miler. | |||||
12-Sep | Easy | 1:15:57 | 10.07 | AM: Trying to make up some mileage. 10+ at 7:33/mile. | ||||
Moderate | 1:18:26 | 10.32 | PM: More make up mileage. 10+ at 7:36/mile. | |||||
13-Sep | Easy | 1:17:17 | 10.03 | AM: A little risky with the mileage this morning with track tonight. 10+ at 7:42/mile. | ||||
Harvard Track | 1:51:19 | 14.22 | PM: Commute home and to Harvard. 800/1000/1600/1000/800, 200x2. 5k/10k/mile pacing. Calves both started to spasm during the 200s so I backed off. Good start, ok finish. | |||||
14-Sep | Easy | 1:19:23 | 10 | AM: Can't believe I made it to 10…man, I am cooked from that workout. 10+ at 7:56. | ||||
Easy | 1:11:25 | 8.67 | PM: Commute home then slow with Raleigh to meet up with Elizabeth. 8+ with final two extra slow. | |||||
15-Sep | Easy | 1:18:03 | 10.05 | AM: Another 10+ commute. Averaged 7:48/mile. | ||||
Tempo/Hills | 1:25:56 | 11.58 | PM: Commute home then 4+ tempo around 6:05/10 with Terry. 11+ tot averaging 7:25/mile. | |||||
16-Sep | Easy | 1:05:41 | 8.22 | AM: No 10+ commute streak! 8.22 at about 8/mile. | ||||
Easy | 0:36:51 | 4.72 | PM: 4+ at 7:48/mile. A bit shorter ahead of the long drive. | |||||
17-Sep | Workout | 0:36:03 | 4.06 | AM: 4+ at around 9min miles. Slow and hilly with Eli and the pooch. | ||||
Easy | 0:00:00 | 0 | PM: Relax. |
9/13 Splits:
9/4 - 9/10 Total: 60.49
9/11 - 9/17 Total: 107.97
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Finish With a Guinness - 2016 Race Report
For the penultimate race in the Pub Series, Elizabeth and I took an early break from our Cape vacation to head west to Warren, Rhode Island for the Finish With a Guinness 5k. The sun was shining, and the temperatures were warm, and according to Kevin - it was a day for PRs!...as you'll soon find out...I think he was just putting the hex on me
After picking up our bibs, I ran into Kevin and Terry and we started to preview the course. Terry had a little printout and we made our way into some neighborhoods and eventually back to the starting line with time to spare. I did a few strides, some drills, and made my way to the starting line. I wasn't feeling especially great with a bit of mileage in the legs, but I felt I was capable of running hard and running a solid time.
Once the gun went off, I went with the top Pub Series guys and we settled into what felt like a pretty manageable pace. My legs were a little stiff, likely not quite warmed up enough from the two hour car ride, but my lungs felt great. After the long straightaway at the start, we took a sharp left going uphill for a few hundred meters then taking a right onto the main road. The uphill and sharp turns may have slowed us slightly, but the 5:24 split for the first mile felt conservative. And since I was only a few meters behind TJ and Lee, I was feeling optimistic that at a minimum it would be a very interesting race (little did I know!!).

As I mentioned, I previewed the course beforehand with Terry and Kevin. So as the leader (who was a non-Pub Series guy) and the lead cop car went past the left turn onto Seymour, I assumed that we must have taken a left one street too early during our warm up. So the leader, TJ/Lee/myself and a handful or runners who were in a pack about 10 meters or so behind me continued on. But as I approached 200 meters after Seymour, I looked at my GPS to see that I was roughly 1.25 miles into the race. I looked up into the distance and saw the leader had gone past two additional left turns, and the cop car had moved even further up the road to park and block traffic. The hampster wheel in my head slowly began to crank and I had a sudden realization...
I turned to look back, and saw that behind the chase pack, the entire race was taking the correct left up Seymour St. I slowed a bit, turned again, and said to no one in particular, "why is everyone going left!?" I knew the answer, of course, I just couldn't believe I had gone off course! After previewing it, for crying out loud!!! What a DOOF!
One of the guys in the chase pack immediately stopped and high tailed it back to Seymour Street, while another screamed out 'F**K! WHAT THE F**K!' which is what must have been everyone's internal reaction. I instinctively turned and chased after the guy who, in my mind, should have been behind me.
Seymour Street had a solid stretch of uphill, and though I was a reasonable distance behind the high-tailer, I made up that ground before we turned onto a flatter section of the course. From here to the finish, the race felt uneventful. I was absent minded about the fact that either Lee or TJ could've been chasing me. I figured that maybe the race would be scratched from the Pub Series, so I let off the gas a bit, but not so much that the guy I had just passed would re-pass me.
I saw some familiar singlets in the distance and thought to myself that I didn't drive two hours to simply jog it in, so I picked out folks here and there. On the final straight, I knew we still had a half mile to go, so I didn't make any sudden kick, but slowly turned the screws. With about 200 to go, I passed one of the guys I recognized from Doyle's, and he hung on my shoulder looking for a kick. I had enough left in the tank though, and eased away to maintain my place, whatever that would be (it would be 11th, in a time of 18:18, with an extra quarter mile thrown in there).
In the end, NERunner chose "to discount all runners not in the Series after McGrane in 3rd to Series Leader TJ Unger in 23rd (who looked to be the last of the lost tribe)." So, going off course would effect the overall standings, but it was lessened by removing any runners not actually in the Pub Series. This leaves me with 225 points, and I stay in 2nd place, but now 2 points behind TJ. In last year's final race, TJ ran very well at the Paddy's 3m to take the win in 15:12 while I came in 7th in 16:05. I am certain that I am in better shape, and running low 15s is a tall order, but I don't consider it unrealistic.
So I'll throw it out there now - I'm going for the win!
After picking up our bibs, I ran into Kevin and Terry and we started to preview the course. Terry had a little printout and we made our way into some neighborhoods and eventually back to the starting line with time to spare. I did a few strides, some drills, and made my way to the starting line. I wasn't feeling especially great with a bit of mileage in the legs, but I felt I was capable of running hard and running a solid time.
Once the gun went off, I went with the top Pub Series guys and we settled into what felt like a pretty manageable pace. My legs were a little stiff, likely not quite warmed up enough from the two hour car ride, but my lungs felt great. After the long straightaway at the start, we took a sharp left going uphill for a few hundred meters then taking a right onto the main road. The uphill and sharp turns may have slowed us slightly, but the 5:24 split for the first mile felt conservative. And since I was only a few meters behind TJ and Lee, I was feeling optimistic that at a minimum it would be a very interesting race (little did I know!!).

As I mentioned, I previewed the course beforehand with Terry and Kevin. So as the leader (who was a non-Pub Series guy) and the lead cop car went past the left turn onto Seymour, I assumed that we must have taken a left one street too early during our warm up. So the leader, TJ/Lee/myself and a handful or runners who were in a pack about 10 meters or so behind me continued on. But as I approached 200 meters after Seymour, I looked at my GPS to see that I was roughly 1.25 miles into the race. I looked up into the distance and saw the leader had gone past two additional left turns, and the cop car had moved even further up the road to park and block traffic. The hampster wheel in my head slowly began to crank and I had a sudden realization...
I turned to look back, and saw that behind the chase pack, the entire race was taking the correct left up Seymour St. I slowed a bit, turned again, and said to no one in particular, "why is everyone going left!?" I knew the answer, of course, I just couldn't believe I had gone off course! After previewing it, for crying out loud!!! What a DOOF!
One of the guys in the chase pack immediately stopped and high tailed it back to Seymour Street, while another screamed out 'F**K! WHAT THE F**K!' which is what must have been everyone's internal reaction. I instinctively turned and chased after the guy who, in my mind, should have been behind me.
Seymour Street had a solid stretch of uphill, and though I was a reasonable distance behind the high-tailer, I made up that ground before we turned onto a flatter section of the course. From here to the finish, the race felt uneventful. I was absent minded about the fact that either Lee or TJ could've been chasing me. I figured that maybe the race would be scratched from the Pub Series, so I let off the gas a bit, but not so much that the guy I had just passed would re-pass me.
I saw some familiar singlets in the distance and thought to myself that I didn't drive two hours to simply jog it in, so I picked out folks here and there. On the final straight, I knew we still had a half mile to go, so I didn't make any sudden kick, but slowly turned the screws. With about 200 to go, I passed one of the guys I recognized from Doyle's, and he hung on my shoulder looking for a kick. I had enough left in the tank though, and eased away to maintain my place, whatever that would be (it would be 11th, in a time of 18:18, with an extra quarter mile thrown in there).
In the end, NERunner chose "to discount all runners not in the Series after McGrane in 3rd to Series Leader TJ Unger in 23rd (who looked to be the last of the lost tribe)." So, going off course would effect the overall standings, but it was lessened by removing any runners not actually in the Pub Series. This leaves me with 225 points, and I stay in 2nd place, but now 2 points behind TJ. In last year's final race, TJ ran very well at the Paddy's 3m to take the win in 15:12 while I came in 7th in 16:05. I am certain that I am in better shape, and running low 15s is a tall order, but I don't consider it unrealistic.
So I'll throw it out there now - I'm going for the win!
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
8:14/16 to 9/3/16: Final Weeks of Summer Training
Yikes, it's been a while apparently. For everyone who cares, and there are...jeez...so many. My bad!
So, I had my summer streak snapped. I had 8 weeks in a row of 100+ mpw, but for the week ending 8/20 my total was 97 miles. HOWEVER!!! I played three ultimate games on that Saturday. Now, I don't usually count that mileage, but I know that I run roughly 2.5m a game. If I were to count it, my streak would continue...So I ask - do I count it?
here it is:
8/16 Splits w/the rest in parenthesis:
Total for week ending 8/20: 97.38 + three ultimate games
So, I had my summer streak snapped. I had 8 weeks in a row of 100+ mpw, but for the week ending 8/20 my total was 97 miles. HOWEVER!!! I played three ultimate games on that Saturday. Now, I don't usually count that mileage, but I know that I run roughly 2.5m a game. If I were to count it, my streak would continue...So I ask - do I count it?
here it is:
14-Aug | Bobby Doyle 5 Miler *GP | 1:05:00 | 9.46 | AM: Some of the toughest conditions I have ever raced in. | ||||
Off | 0:00:00 | 0 | PM: No thanks. | |||||
15-Aug | Easy | 0:54:52 | 7.23 | AM: Repreive…finally. | ||||
Moderate | 1:43:00 | 13.02 | PM: 10+ at 7:35 + another 3 with Raleigh / strides / drills. | |||||
16-Aug | Easy | 0:57:30 | 7.18 | AM: 7+ at about 8per. Right shin feels a tiny bit twingy still, but not as bad as it had. | ||||
Harvard Track | 2:20:34 | 16.81 | PM: Commute home and to track. (600/600/400)x3, 200x4. 5k/8k/5k paces for the sets, mile pace for the 200s. | |||||
17-Aug | Easy | 0:51:19 | 5.76 | AM: Totally bonking on this run. Had to stop multiple times to catch my breath and I was going SLOW. | ||||
Easy | 1:12:08 | 8.51 | PM: Kept it slow for 8+ at around 8:30/mile. | |||||
18-Aug | Easy | 0:57:30 | 7.16 | AM: 7+ at 8/mile. | ||||
Tempo | 1:32:42 | 12.01 | PM: Commute home then a tempo around Fresh Pond 4+ around 6:30/mile. Fairly warm. | |||||
19-Aug | Golf | 0:00:00 | 0 | AM: 18 holes of golf with Matt, Dave, & Dad. | ||||
Easy | 0:39:00 | 5.15 | PM: Afternoon run of 5+ at 7:34/mile. | |||||
20-Aug | Easy/BUDA | 0:43:33 | 5.09 | AM: 5+ at around 8:30 to warm up for ultimate. Played three games. | ||||
BUDA | 0:00:00 | 0 | PM: Drove 3 hours to the Cape to cleanup. | |||||
21-Aug | BUDA | 0:00:00 | 0 | AM: Long drive and then two ultimate games. Drove to Plympton for more family fun. | ||||
BUDA/Easy | 0:31:49 | 4.01 | PM: 4+ shakout at 7:56/mile. First run in the dark in a while. | |||||
22-Aug | Easy | 0:57:23 | 7.15 | AM: 7+ commute at whatever. | ||||
Moderate | 1:44:03 | 13.02 | PM: 13+ at something under 8/mile. Just kind of getting in some miles for some reason. | |||||
23-Aug | Easy | 0:57:58 | 7.23 | AM: 7+ at whatever. | ||||
Harvard Track | 1:55:18 | 14.53 | PM: Commute home and to track. (1200/600)x3, 200x2 - 8k to 10k pace | |||||
24-Aug | Easy | 0:57:08 | 7.07 | AM: 7+ at 8/mile. | ||||
Easy | 0:57:05 | 7.13 | PM: 7+ at 8/mile. | |||||
25-Aug | Easy | 0:58:45 | 7.16 | AM: 7+ commute at 8:12/mile. Just kind of sluggish. Warmed up by the end finishing w/a 7:3x mile though. | ||||
Tempo | 1:43:31 | 13.18 | PM: Commute home, then tempo with Joe. Averaged probably 6:20/mile, but it was only for 3m. I felt really tired all day and my right achilles was bunkish, but felt fine for the harder running. | |||||
26-Aug | Easy | 0:58:37 | 7.16 | AM: 7+ commute at 8+. | ||||
Easy | 1:09:21 | 8.6 | PM: Commute home then to Trader Joe's at whatever. | |||||
27-Aug | Easy | 0:36:27 | 4.01 | AM: Easy 4m with Eli and the pooch. | ||||
Off | 0 | PM: Very relaxing day at the beach followed by dinner at Blackfish. | ||||||
28-Aug | Long Run | 2:13:33 | 17.14 | AM: 17+ hilly miles at 7:47/mile. First 11 solo progression. Final ~6 with Eli. | ||||
Off | 0:00:00 | 0 | PM: Nothing specific, but ran around in the sand a lot. | |||||
29-Aug | Easy | 0:36:46 | 5.12 | AM: Woke up at 4:40 to drive back home. After somehow hitting traffic, I had to run harder than usual to get to work on time. 5+ at 7:11/mile. | ||||
Moderate | 1:19:04 | 10.21 | PM: 10+ commute home. Ran into Tilden and went a bit quicker while he was on rollerblades. I was going to go back out with Raleigh, but I was wiped out and I'd like to be in good shape for Sunday. | |||||
30-Aug | Easy | 0:55:28 | 7.1 | AM: 7+ commute at 7:49/mile. | ||||
Harvard Track | 1:58:48 | 15 | PM: Commute home, then continued warm up at Harvard while Eli tempo'd over to the track. (600/400/600)x3, 400/300/200. 5k pace for the sets w/1min rest, and 2min between sets. Mile pace with normal rest for the remainder. Pretty close to hitting the splits. I'm getting there. | |||||
31-Aug | Easy | 0:58:19 | 7.13 | AM: 7+ slog commute at 8+. My lower calves were really wiped out from the track last night. | ||||
Easy | 1:05:05 | 8 | PM: 8m at 8+. Just taking it easy, but it was really humid. Decided against additional miles. | |||||
1-Sep | Easy | 0:56:34 | 7.02 | AM: 7m at 8+. Lower calves still a bit sore. | ||||
Easy | 1:09:29 | 9.02 | PM: 9+ at 7:42/mile, followed by the drive to the Cape. | |||||
2-Sep | Easy | 1:03:25 | 7.63 | AM: 7+ easy with Eli and Raleigh for some of it. | ||||
Shakeout | 0:20:48 | 2.55 | PM: 2+ shakeout. Just wanted to move the legs and try and loosen up my calves. | |||||
3-Sep | Easy | 0:35:25 | 4.38 | AM: Kind of a split up 4+ thanks to an association meeting. Felt pretty good though. | ||||
Off | 0:00:00 | 0 | PM: Off, beach day. |
8/16 Splits w/the rest in parenthesis:
600-1:57 (70s)
600-2:04 (68s)
600-1:58 (69s)
600-2:04 (66s)
400-1:15 (2:43)
600-1:58 (70s)
600-2:04 (64s)
400-1:16 (2:01)
8/23 Splits:
1200-4:15 (72s)
600-2:00 (1:55)
1200-4:14 (68s)
600-1:59 (1:52)
1200-4:13 (67s)
600-1:55 (2:09)
8/30 Splits:
600-1:58 (65s)
400-1:18 (62s)
600-2:00 (2:34)
600-1:58 (61s)
400-1:17 (55s)
600-1:58 (2:36)
600-1:58 (57s)
400-1:17 (60s)
600-1:57 (2:38)
400-1:11 (2:27)
300-51s (2:02)
Total for week ending 8/20: 97.38 + three ultimate games
Total for week ending 8/27: 100.25 + two ultimate games
Total for week ending 9/3: 100.30
Total for week ending 9/3: 100.30
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