Monday, January 11, 2016

1/3/2016 to 1/9/2016: Let's Get To It

This week was pretty standard training.  A long run, intervals, and two tempo runs.  Without any important races on the immediate horizon, I think that this is going to become pretty standard.  Basically the 'putting in the work' phase of marathon training.

That being said, everything went well this week.  The long run was on the marathon course for portions as well as hitting some other respectable hills, and I finished up with four miles at probably 6:50/mile.  Nothing special, but it's a good sign that I can comfortably increase the pace at the end of an 18 miler.  Interval work at BU was switched to Monday due to a high school track meet, and I was a little sore to get started, but warmed up nicely.  The first tempo was on Thursday night and was done along the Charles with a backpack and no headlamp, so it was a bit slower.  Because it was on the slower side, I didn't feel much of an effect the following day.  So then on Saturday at 9:50, I decided to get in a decent effort at Fresh Pond...Nothing like putting my coffee down and rushing across the street for a race scheduled to start in 5 minutes.  In any case, it went well enough, and I really need to start planning on doing that every weekend.

Anyways, here it is: 
3-Jan Long Run 2:12:37 18.05 Long run in Newton.  Averaged about 7:20 for the run, with the last 4 miles faster.
Off 0:00:00 0 Off
4-Jan Easy 0:53:00 7.05 AM: Morning commute at 7:30ish. Cold!
BU Track 2:02:03 14.22 PM: 9m home then to the track.  800/(800/600/400/300/200)x2.  8's and 6's at 5k pace, 400 on down at mile pace.  200 easy recovery.  Workout went well.  Felt really comfortable clicking off 40s for the 5k stuff.  Finished up with 2x100 in spikes.
5-Jan Easy 0:54:57 7.05 AM: Morning commute at 7:50ish.
Easy 1:03:55 8.14 PM: Ran into Trooper Mike (some random guy) and jogged with him for a few miles to pass the time. 8+ averaging 7:50/mile.
6-Jan Easy 0:53:44 7.05 AM: Morning commute averaging 7:37/mile.
Moderate 0:54:24 7.13 PM: Commute home plus 4 Poplar strides. Averaged 7:38/mile.
7-Jan Easy 0:53:11 7.05 AM: Morning commute averaging 7:33/mile.
Workout 0:49:52 7.16 PM: 1m moderate, 5m averaging 6:30/mile.  Finished up with 1m easy  
8-Jan Easy 0:54:31 7.05 AM: Morning commute averaging 7:45/mile.
Easy 0:56:14 7 PM: Commute home plus 4 short hill sprints and 2 Poplar Strides.
9-Jan Workout 0:35:00 5.72 Fresh Pond 2-lapper in 28:44.  Legs felt decent even with only a 4min 'warm up.'  Lungs still feel a little weird though.
Off 0:00:00 0 Off.  Played music with the Fanning's for the first time in years!

Total: 102.67

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