Training for Boston:
Average Weekly Total: 45.92
Highest Weekly Total: 60.23m
Highest Total Over Any 7-Day Span: 63.33m
Number of Runs >10m: 34
Longest Run: 23.42m
Highest Monthly Total: 221.7 (March)
Number of Speed Sessions: 16
Total Miles: 642.84m over 14 Weeks.
Training for Cape Cod:
Highest Weekly Total: 60.23m
Highest Total Over Any 7-Day Span: 63.33m
Number of Runs >10m: 34
Longest Run: 23.42m
Highest Monthly Total: 221.7 (March)
Number of Speed Sessions: 16
Total Miles: 642.84m over 14 Weeks.
Training for Cape Cod:
Average Weekly Total: 49.52
Highest Weekly Total: 64.51m
Highest Total Over Any 7-Day Span: 72.22m
Number of Runs >10m: 34
Longest Run: 21.5m
Highest Monthly Total: 224.64 (September)
Number of Speed Sessions: 24
Total Miles: 495.52m over 10 Weeks
Highest Weekly Total: 64.51m
Highest Total Over Any 7-Day Span: 72.22m
Number of Runs >10m: 34
Longest Run: 21.5m
Highest Monthly Total: 224.64 (September)
Number of Speed Sessions: 24
Total Miles: 495.52m over 10 Weeks
Total Miles: 644.36m over 14 Weeks
The summer was not an easy time to establish a running schedule due to frequent Ultimate games, triathlons, and Grand Prix races - so in reality, most of the focused marathon training was done over a 10 week period. But when I look at the total miles over 14 weeks - the training actually looks pretty similar. The figures for the 10m+ runs and speed sessions venture outside of the 10 week/14 week windows, but since they were part of the broad training picture - I thought it was worth it to take a look. Either way, the hay is in the barn - as the saying goes. I think I'm ready to run a solid time, but we'll see how it goes.
The summer was not an easy time to establish a running schedule due to frequent Ultimate games, triathlons, and Grand Prix races - so in reality, most of the focused marathon training was done over a 10 week period. But when I look at the total miles over 14 weeks - the training actually looks pretty similar. The figures for the 10m+ runs and speed sessions venture outside of the 10 week/14 week windows, but since they were part of the broad training picture - I thought it was worth it to take a look. Either way, the hay is in the barn - as the saying goes. I think I'm ready to run a solid time, but we'll see how it goes.
"There's no such thing as bad weather, just soft people."
-Bill Bowerman
Well i'm very very verrrryyyy soft!